Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Load Test
L.A. Elevator has a service for Load Testing Elevators.

PRICE: $950 per elevator
Maximum 3000 pound capacity 

Generous discounts for multiple elevators.

  • 5 year load testing on elevator equipment as required by the State of California 
  • Flexible scheduling: We can schedule tests during non-peak elevator times during regular business hours at No Extra Charge
  • The test that is required by the State of California. 
  • We are performing the exact same test your service company would perform.
  • Guaranteed to be an accurate, non biased test.
This test does not put any additional stress on the elevator other than what the elevator is rated by the state of California to handle.

If your elevator is being monitored and maintained properly the elevator should pass the required testing.

This is not a guarantee of passing the required 5 year certification testing.

This is a guarantee of an accurate, non biased test.

We encourage you to witness the testing. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

This elevator is non-functional ... but why .....

I think I know... 

Electronics do not last as long as mechanics.

It is Important to have a trusted elevator repair and service company at your calling.

L.A. Elevator has always prided itself on quick response capabilities.

Perhaps you want to consider our "Flat Rate Offer" and have your elevators inspected for wear and tear.

click link below for more information

Preventive maintenance and monthly service will reduce your risk operating these people movers.

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L.A. Elevaor

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When and why should you modernize your elevators.

When and why should you modernize your elevators.
Those are the two most common questions asked by building owners and managers.

First, lets talk about the reasons to modernize…

Why should I modernize?

Most of the elevators in service today were installed 30 to 40 years ago. There are even quite a few elevators that are from the 60′s that are still in service. 30 to 40 years of service out of an elevator is outstanding. Imagine making daily deliveries with a 30 or 40 year old automobile.

These elevators have been around for a lot longer than most of the automobiles on the road today. They also take more abuse than the cars people drive everyday. It is not uncommon for an elevator in a relatively busy hotel to make over 300,000 trips in a year.

The answer to the question “Why?” is the age of the elevator.

When should I modernize?

There are many variables that go into the answer to this question.

First, is there money in the budget?

Most buildings overlook the elevators as one of the parts of the building that need to be overhauled at some point. The result is a crunch to save money to complete the upgrades.

We take pride in the fact that we can keep your older elevator running while you are budgeting the money for a modernization.

Second, the major problem is obsolescence.

At some point in time most older elevators are no longer supported by the manufacturer.

This creates a problem when trying to track down replacement parts. Once all resources are exhausted, the end result is an emergency modernization. We will do everything we can to help avoid this problem.

The answer to the question “When?”… as soon as the budget is ready, as long as the equipment isn’t obsolete.

Additional Information....

Modern elevator equipment has evolved far beyond the relay logic and early microprocessor controls of the 70′s and 80′s. Today’s elevators are fast, smart, and reliable. A good comparison would be for those of you who owned a computer in the early 80′s. Remember how slow it was compared to the computer you are using today. Elevators are incorporating more advanced technology as the years go by.

Modernization can also be the answer for buildings looking to comply with all the latest codes. Seismic codes have changed significantly over the last 20 years and are making elevators very safe during a seismic event.

Fire codes have also changed and there are also new requirements for fire alarm and elevator integration. ADA requirements for handicapped individuals are also standardized for elevators. Any one of these reasons would be instrumental in deciding “why?” to modernize your elevator.

LA Elevator is a freight elevator and commercial elevator specialist. We also offer wheelchair lift repair and installation as well as home lift repair and service.

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Elevator Servicing includes the Electronics ....

Part of the functionality of elevators are the electronics.

Elevators are generally seen as a mechanical device with little consideration for the electronics involved in making these people movers perform.

Servicing and repairing always includes the control panel.

Licensed C11 Contractors have the training, certification and experience to resolve and prevent electronic malfunctions.

Are your elevators safe and certified?

 Flate Rate Trouble Shooting.

$400 for 3hrs max


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Elevator Safety .... Are your elevators currently compliant to building codes?

Elevator Safety Inspections are necessary to obtain a certificate to operate an elevator.

L.A. Elevator provides preventive maintenance programs for freight elevators, commercial elevators and wheelchair lifts in an effort to prevent equipment failures and breakdowns before they occur.

L.A. Elevator is a freight elevator and commercial elevator specialist. We also offer wheelchair lift repair, installation and wheelchair lift maintenance and home lift repair and service. 

Are your elevators safe ?
call or click .....

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

L.A. Elevator installed this Motor and Control Box over ten years ago.. Look at it's condition now..

Proper installation and monthly service leaves this unit in "like new" condition.

A well maintained elevator will reduce cost and increase safety of these people movers.

Ten years and still going strong!

Call or Click


Monday, December 1, 2014